Hey There.

It has been a really long time since i last wrote into this blog. I have done a lots of cool stuff in the summer, for example i have seen all my old friends, and even made some new friends. Would have wanted to see more tho.

Im gonna write a list when i did what in the summer.

Let's start with the graduating from school.

12/06 ( correct me if i'm wrong ) - I graduated the 8th class. Pretty booring day if you ask me.

20/06 - I went to estonia.

24/06 - I made a new best friend named Kenno. We drank and smoke whole night, it was fun really. :P

2/07 - I met an old friend Harold in the town, we went to park and just sat down and talked. It Feels awesome to have a friend like him.

Later that day - I invited Kenno to my place, next day we hooked up with a girl called " Annu " for short. We had fun.

5-20/07 - I was in the country helping my Granny's to build a house. Didn't get paid but the food was really good.

25/07 - I went to see my relatives in " Tapa ". They seemed glad to see me. The kid there is called " Indrek ". He is 17 and is a really good friend of mine.  I was there for like 5 days and we were just hanging out there. Talking with some chicks and i was smoking some cigarettes.

Tasted pretty bad but hey who cares. That's when i became a smoker.

Anyway The last week that i was in Estonia, i was just home and feeling good.

That's pretty much it of my Estonian trip.

There will be more tho of my summer, because summer isn't over yet.

Hang in there buddies.

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